
Friday, July 24, 2009


Another great VBS has come to a close. I am so tired but, it was a wonderful week!! This year I had a more behind the scenes roll, preparing snack each day for 250 kids/crew leaders, plus a snack room for our adult volunteers. I had some great helpers, who made this week just come together perfectly. I also enjoyed catching up with friends as we worked side by side.

VBS I have come to realize is a great mission opportunity in our own backyard!

Here are some highlights from our week, in pictures ... (Lexi is obviously missing from the pictures of this week, she was spending her week at ballet camp)

Above: Devin and Lexi in front of the decorations on stage for Crocodile Dock.

Above: Ava Mae and Lily rock out.

Above: Group Shot.

Above: Popsicle Day, a huge hit.

Above: Cupcake Day, another snack favorite.

Above: Figuring out the formula for mixing up Kool Aid and Lemonade.

Above: Wrapping 640 hot dogs takes many hands ...

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