
Friday, July 10, 2009

A Plan for the Coming School Year

The event planner in me, my professional career before kids, loves to plan! This is probably why I love this time of year. I enjoy planning the new school year, pouring through homeschool curriculum catalogs, researching information on the internet, and talking with fellow homeschool moms, both near and far.

So after many weeks of planning ... I feel there should be a drum roll here as I announce our plans for the 2009 - 2010 school year. ;)

One choice was really hard, I was pretty set on Sonlight for the coming year but, once again, I decided a curriculum more true to our Charlotte Mason Homeschool would better suit us. So, our primary curriculum will be Winter Promise for Devin and Lexi. We are doing American History I, which we are all so excited about. So this is what our year will look like:

Devin ~ History - American History I (Winter Promise); Bible - (Winter Promise); Language - Rod & Staff; Math - Horizons (3rd - 4th grade level); Handwriting/Art Study - Queen Homeschool Art & Handwriting Book; Nature Journal

Lexi ~
History - American History I (Winter Promise); Bible - (Winter Promise); Phonics - Explode the Code; Math - Horizons (2nd grade level); Handwriting/Art Study - Queen Homeschool Art & Handwriting Book; Nature Journal

Ava Mae
~ Five In A Row; Phonics - Rod & Staff (January); Nature Journal

Extra Curricular Activities -

Lexi - ballet and tap 1 1/2 hours


Open for Now (possibly Devin in Fall/Winter Sports)

Possibly Lexi in Tennis Lessons


Devin, Lexi and Ava Mae - Choir and Missions Programs


Ava Mae - Ballet/Tap 1 hour


Devin, Lexi and Ava Mae - Full Day at Timothy
Lexi - Irish Dance at Timothy
Devin and Lexi - private piano lessons

I think our schedule is coming together quite nicely. I am trying to work in having our housekeeper come on Tuesdays, in the afternoon, so as not to disturb our school time. I really like the fact that the kids are in school on Fridays, when my husband works from home, it gives him and I some time together, alone. It also gives me time to run errands or go on appointments without all the prep work that went into having a nanny coming twice a week. :)


  1. Sounds great! I have never heard of Winter Promise. I'll have to take a look! Isn't it great to have a game plan??

  2. It sounds like a great year.

    We are Sonlight users but I added in a few things from WP, the AS1 notebook pages and a few of the book selections.

    You're probably thinking, what kind of crazy person would add more books to SL? LOL

  3. I've been looking at doing everything except math more Charlotte Mason-ish. This will be my first year homeschooling my oldest son (11).
    I LOVE the window picture of your kids!

  4. I love FIAR for little ones. It looks like you've got a great year planned, and even a day for some time to yourself. That's a rare treasure. I'll try not to be green. ;)

  5. Housekeeping? Nanny? Note to self: thou shalt not covet, thou shalt not covet. :D Good for you that you have the possibility of such things, because if we could afford them I would have them too.

    Thank you for sharing on the Blog Hop.

  6. Great plan. We are SL users here.
