
Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sunday Tradition

Every Sunday, for the last year, when we are in town and not committed to another event we head to Waffle House for dinner. Our favorite waitress, Charlotte, is so sweet and always has our drinks ready almost before we even sit down.

Some Sunday nights, especially during the school year, we have the whole place to ourselves. The kids love rocking out to the music they pick on the jukebox while sharing with Charlotte what all we have done for the past week.

We always sit at the high top counter and we have spent as long as 2 hours on nights when Charlotte has no other customer, just chatting about life, our homeschool goings on, what the kids learned at church that day, and she shares with us all about her little nieces she helps take care.

It is one tradition we really have grown to love and look forward to each Sunday.

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