
Saturday, August 29, 2009

Should Be ...

I should be in Asheville, North Carolina enjoying a relaxing day of sight-seeing after wrapping up a huge event I helped plan for the last few months. But, I am not in Asheville, I am sitting in my bedroom trying not to go crazy and enjoy catching up on some reading with strict doctor's orders of rest, no stress and, no caffeine. How did I get here?

It began Thursday as I was wrapping up last minute details for the event I was planning. Rushing around picking up needed items, finalizing lists, seating charts and schedules. During my running around I felt my heart flutter every once in awhile but, around 5PM on Thursday my heart went into an irregular pattern that sent us racing to the Urgent Care who immediately called 911 for an ambulance to the local cardiac hospital. Needless to say, it was one of the scariest moments of my life. After 6 hours in the hospital, I was sent home with strict orders to follow, a prescription to help try and keep my heart out of an irregular pattern, an order for a holter monitor, and a follow up consult with a cardiologist.

This was NOT the weekend I had planned but, I know God is in control and he has a purpose for bringing me through this. I am still trying to wrap my head around it all. Trying to plan what the week will look like, especially with starting a new homeschool year, lots of kids' activities and now doctors appointments. I am taking it one day at a time ...

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Counting Down ...

I cannot believe that we begin a new school year in just 6 days ... the summer seems to have just flown by, the photo above (our first day at our club pool) seems like just yesterday.

Last week we were out of town so this week the kids all began their extra-curricular activities. I like having a slow start to a full curriculum and extra curricular activity schedule. So, next week, we will begin core subjects - Math, Reading, Handwriting then the following week we will add in History, Music, Art and Nature Journaling. I find that a slow ramp up is good for the kids and myself.

As I gear up to head out of town for one more quick trip before school starts I feel a sense of calm about our school year beginning. I feel as I turn more and more of my trust in our school year over to God that he frees me of any worry.
Our homeschool bible verse for the year is:

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. Matthew 6:33

Monday, August 24, 2009

Our Beach Vacation

We are home from a wonderful week at the beach! The kids had so much fun - building sand castles, swimming in crazy waves, hours on the beach shell hunting and finding interesting items after a tropical storm, a 3 hour boat tour which included a stop at Shell Island and seeing a newly uncovered shipwreck off the coast. Of course, having friends at the beach to share this all with made for even more fun!

Daune and I were also blessed with a night out by ourselves and we each got to spend quality time with each one of the kids by ourselves.

Now it is back to reality with just one week to go until school starts but, I sit here now in the early morning hours looking through hundreds of pictures that bring back each of those memories we will have from this great vacation.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Beach Photo Shoot

One of 300 shots taken yesterday in search of the perfect photo for our Christmas Card ...

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Cruising the Gulf of Mexico

Heading out on a 3 hour tour. What a great boat excursion! Trip to Shell Island for swimming and shell hunting, a tour of an underwater sunken ship, and spotting lots of sea critters - including barricuda and huge jelly fish.

Monday, August 17, 2009

The Beach is Always More Fun ...

with a tropical storm ...

and friends to play with.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Devin turns 8!

I always look back on my kids' birthdays and wonder where the time has gone ... has it really been 8 years since this precious boy was born? Here is a peek back in time ...

Devin's first birthday party ... just a month before I gave birth to #2.

Devin's 3rd Birthday ... a construction theme.

Devin turns 5 and we celebrate by taking a bunch of friends to a Rome Braves Game for tailgating and baseball watching fun in 100+ degree temps. What troopers all of our guests were!

Devin was so excited, he was up until Midnight last night and awake at the crack of dawn this morning. We had a nice morning, I made cinnamon rolls for breakfast and Devin opened his gifts from us. He also enjoyed teaching the girls the art of trading baseball cards, the only gift he asked for. This afternoon, we celebrated with some close friends by having a baseball party at a sports training facility.

Happy Birthday Devin! What a wonderful gift from God you are.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Not Back-to-School Blog Hop - School Rooms

Head over to My Life With 3 Boybarians to participate in this fun month long blog hop!


This week the theme was School Rooms ... here is our newly organized and cleaned school area.

Take a really good close look ... this will be the last time all school year everything looks so neat, clean and organized.

This has to be my very favorite time of year buying curriculum, school supplies and organizational items.

I found a great store that just opened only a few miles from our home, Lakeshore Learning. They have wonderful classroom supplies and I splurged and bought us a new United States Map and an All About Today Wall Hanging.

I have had so much fun seeing what everyone's school room or area looks like in their home!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Seeing God in the Everyday

On Monday I got a panicked call from my best friend's pet sitter. It was 2PM in the afternoon and the pet sitter was at my friend's home letting her dogs out, when one of them escaped. Tess (the escape artist) is a runner so it did not come as a shock to me but, when she did not return after we looked and called for her for over an hour I became a little worried.

I kept thinking how would I tell my best friend (Christi) that their dog was lost or worse yet, injured or dead. Just as I was thinking these dreadful thoughts the phone rang, it was Christi calling from the beach. The pet sitter had called her to inform her of what was going on. Christi reminded me what I knew, that this was in God's hands. My girls and I had both already prayed for God to keep Tess safe and bring her home to us and I was so glad to hear a sense of peace in Christi's voice.

The kids and I prayed constantly all afternoon, we prayed for Tess' safety but, we also prayed for God's will to be known. Imagine our joy when 5 hours later my husband took one last drive to see if he could spot her and he found Tess.

I love teaching opportunities like this! Teaching my children to trust in God. Teaching that God is so good and he loves us so much. He loves us so much that he even cares for our trivial requests. He hears all prayers! Yesterday afternoon the pet sitter arrived at my house with a huge bouquet of flowers to thank us for our help, support and prayers. I think she saw what we did - God in the everyday!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

For Today from my Simple Woman's Daybook...

Outside my window...
the sun has set and the lightning bugs are glowing.

I am thinking... what a relaxing week this will be.

From our homeschool room... our new curriculum has arrived (Winter Promise). Now organization will begin for the coming school year.

I am thankful for...
celebrating my 19th Wedding Anniversary this week with my wonderful soul mate.

From the kitchen...
trying to figure out the best way to use all the tomatoes and green peppers we are harvesting.

I am wearing... shorts, tshirt and flip flops.

I am reading...
mostly our new curriculum's teacher's guide. I am heading to the used bookstore this week to purchase some books to read at the beach.

I am hoping...
for time this week to reach the bottom of the laundry pile.

I am creating... birthday cards for kid's parties we are attending this week.

I am praying... for God's guidance as I plan out our school year. Remembering the words of our pastor today and deciding that Matthew 6:33 will be our scripture this year for our homeschool "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.."

Around the house...
tomorrow is a day for cleaning and catching up on laundry.

One of my favorite things... the smell of the air after a rainstorm!

A few plans for the coming week...
Homeschool Group Meeting, Stamp Club, Birthday Parties to attend and one to finish planning for.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...
A little girl playdate with our homeschool friends ...