Friday, April 9, 2010

Ultimate Blog Party 2010

Ultimate Blog Party 2010

Welcome Ultimate Blog Party Friends!! I am so excited to be participating in this super fun online party hosted by 5 Minutes for Mom.

My name is Alicia and I am a 38 year old Stay-At-Home Mom to three wonderful kids ages 8, 7 and 5. I have been married for almost 20 years and our family lives in the northern suburbs of Atlanta. Before having children I owned an event planning company where I specialized in social events, especially weddings.

Now, my days are filled with homeschooling and I am a demonstrator for Stampin Up!, a rubber stamping company. My blog is all about the joy I find in our everyday life. I began this blog almost two years ago as a way to keep track of our homeschool journey. I thought it would be a great way to see how far we had come over the school year, remember all the fun projects we had completed, and document the fieldtrips we had taken.

This blog has definitely grown from that point ... I love sharing everything about our life - holidays, vacations, recipes, craft projects, my walk with God, and just our everyday life in the south. I love photography and many of my posts have lots of photographs. I found keeping this blog was an easy way to have a complete scrapbook done of our year.

Now, what kind of party host would I be if I did not ask a little about you ... leave me a comment and tell me a little about your blog. I would love to stop by, visit and learn more about you!!

I am giving away two door prizes - a rubber stamping package which includes a Stampin Up! stamp set, paper and ink (just a few items to get you started on one of my favorite hobbies) and my second door prize is a box of all occasion cards handcrafted by me. I hope you will join in on the fun. I will be using a random number generator to choose each winner. To enter all you need to do is (just choose one or all three of the following - each time you do leave me a new comment to increase your chances of winning):

1. Leave me a comment and let me know a little about your blog. (I promise to stop by and say "hi")
2. Become a follower of my blog and leave me a comment and let me know.
3. Just say "hi" and be sure to leave me your email so I can track you down if you win!

Also, be sure to hop on over to and register for all the great prizes that are being given away in this the Ultimate Blog Party 2010!!


Mrs. B said...

Hi! Nice to meet you, I'm MrsB!

♥♥ Willa ♥♥ said...

Hi ,stopping by from UBP 2010. I have 4 blogs if you will click my profile,then you can read My UBP 2010 Party Post if you want. :)
You have a onwderful family.I love your blog heading.I'm a mickey mouse fan.:)

Dee Birks said...

I'm a homeschooling mom too and I originally started blogging as a way of keeping a homeschool journal and sending pics to the grandparents. But then I started really enjoying it and I realized how much better my mood is if I'm writing every day so now I have a blog where I write about whatever interests me that day and I get so much out of it.

Great meeting you. You'll have a blast at the UBP!

Julie Arduini said...

What a lovely blog!

The writer in me thinks you have lots of story ideas as a former event planner :)

I have a good giveaway over at my blog, available through my website. I hope you stop by and enjoy.


Andrea Hatfield said...

Hello, nice to meet you! My name is Andrea and I am a SAHM of two boys. I used to scrapbook and stamp a lot but as of late I haven't been doing it so much. It is an expensive hobby!

Come by and visit my blog if you have time.

Kathleen W. said...

Nice to meet you! I love your photos, especially since my husband, toddler and I are heading to Disney World next month.

Have fun at the party, and I'm following your blog!

Nathan Fritz said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog for the UPB. I've been to Georgia for my brother-in-law's graduation from Toccoa Falls College. I'm jealous of your mild winters! Nothing like that here in MN!

(I'm signed in as my husband, Nathan, right now, but this is actually Amy)


Debbie said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I absolutely love yours! I am looking to learn more about homeschooling. I am thinking of doing that this time around. I am definitely going to follow your blog.

Kirstin said...

Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog today!my hubby has been to ireland and said it's absolutely beautiful.

Have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

Following Back from the wonderful UBP!! Hope you have a great weekend!

Penny said...

Hi, thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm following your blog and look forward to reading more of your posts :)

Ashley said...

I love the stamping idea, it might be a hobby I will have to look into!
And it's a great idea to start a home schooling blog.
My son is 4 and I'm still considering homeschooling!!
I hope you are enjoying the blog party!!

Shelby at - The Twins and Multiples Bookstore said...

Hi Alicia,

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Glad to meet you. Your family is beautiful! Congrats on your almost 20 years of marriage - that's fantastic. I look forward to getting to know you.


Crafty Mommy Diva said...

Great getting to know you! My main blogs are Scrappy Gifts and Crafty Mommy Diva. I have so much scrapbook stuff, I figured I could get rid of some of it by making scrappy gifts for people. Then I started Crafty Mommy Diva to learn new crafts.
I'd love to win either of your prizes!

Jenny said...

Hi there! We are also homeschoolers. My daughter will be 6 in May and my nephew who also homeschools is 7.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Stranger! I haven't seen you commenting lately -- or maybe I've been so crazy busy I forget who comments about ten seconds after I read them. Kind of like how I forget what I walked in the kitchen for by the time I get there. lol

I enjoyed stopping by and seeing your family photos. They made me want to go back to Disney.

Kelly said...


Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment during the UBP!

Nice to meet a former fellow event planner and blogger!

I will be back to follow...hope you can visit my blog again soon and become a follower as well!

Mom Got Blog

Enjoy the party! :)

Robin said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your stamping sounds great. Somehting I've always wanted to do.

Laura said...

Stopping by from UBP 2010. I'm a single mom of 2 teens, so I blog mainly on dangerous teen trends, plus some "not so serious" things.

Amy said...

Great to meet you and thanks for coming by the Family Trifecta.

I have a friend that works for Stampin Up. I love so many things from that company. SHe is a distributor and her husband works at corporate.

You have beautiful family.

@Dayngr said...

Hi there. Greetings from Miami, FL. I'm stopping by to toss confetti, pull up a virtual chair and party with you. Let's have some fun!

I've got my Ultimate Blog Party 2010 post up at Dayngrous Discourse. Plus, I've got my first giveaway too. I hope you'll surf on over and say hello.

It's you're the tweetin' kind, I'm @Dayngr on twitter.

Mimi N said...

Ugh, I love your photo at Disney. We haven't been there for 5 yrs. I miss it. boo hoo I wish I were more crafty!! I've never tried rubber stamping. I think homeschooling parents are amazing. It wasn't a gift I was given by the Lord. I'd love to have a visit from you with the UBP '10!

~Mimi @ Woven by Words

Tomi C said...

Just popped in from UBP 2010! I'm a mommy to three boys and I just became a new follower of Joy in the Everyday.

Stop by and visit my blog for some great appetizer and beverage recipes for your UBP2010

Stephanie said...

Hello from UBP!! Love your blog! Will follow you and get to know you better!!

Have a blessed day,

Cheri said...

Thanks for popping by.
It's nice to meet you.

Sheri said...

Hi, nice to meet you! What a lovely blog.

Marsha said...

Hi, Alicia! It's so nice to meet you. I'm a homeschool mom, too. It's always nice to get to know sisters-in-Christ.

I blog about cooking, my family, homeschooling and whatever else comes to mind. Stop by and see me sometime.

Marsha said...

Just wanted to let you know I'm a follower of your blog now!

Janene said...

I love your family picture. Disney is one of our favorite vacation spots.

Have a good time partying with UBP10. Stop by if you get a chance And see what we have to help you Stop Drop and Relax. Visit our store at and Prepare To Be Pampered.

Amy said...

Ohhh, I love stamping stuff.

My blog is about homeschooling, books, living for Jesus and a bunch of random stuff.

You can track me down on my blog @

Kathy said...

beautiful blog! my Mom used to sell Stampin' Up stuff too! I love scrapbooking and do a little bit of stamping too - mostly the clear ones now. Nice to 'meet' you! =)
kathy k.

Anonymous said...

Stopping by from UBP! I enjoyed learning about you and visiting your site.

I am not far from you in Greenville, S.C. I have a younger sister in Alpharetta,GA.

MommyLisa said...

Your blog is very pretty!

Stopping in from UBP!

Denise said...

Found you on the UBP! Love the blog. I too love to stamp, mostly when I scrapbook. Your children are beautiful. :) Enjoy the UBP.

Colin, Juanita, Ian, Brooke and Gavin said...

Great Blog! We love Stampin Up! and...we love Disney too! Nice to meet you. Check out my blog

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

From a Disney addict family...your header is GREAT...We are taking the Disney cruise in May...

so nice to meet you...
This is such a fun party and I have already met some of the greatest bloggers... I am sad it is about to end. I am amazed at all the different and creative blogs. Stop by for a visit...just leave a comment on any of the last few posts on either blog and you are eligible for the GRAND PRIZE $100 GIFT BASKET! I am going to draw Friday night.....

Jen said...

I'm here from the UBP '10! My blog is a bit of everything crafting, cooking, homeschooling, my love of our Lord and Savior.

I have been scrapbooking for almost 16 years and just started stamping. Great give a way.

Jen said...

I am a follower of your blog.

Jen said...

Hi! I'm Jen it is SO nice to "meet" you.


Christy said...

Droppin' in from UBP! Wonderful blog! I really enjoyed the "stamping with kids" and the beautiful way you have brought spring into your home. Thanks!

Heather Brandt said...

Enjoyed looking at your blog today :)

Life with Colin

Kelly's Lucky You said...

Hi, I'm stopping by from UBP, nice to meet you. My blog is Kelly's Lucky You and I write about things that make me feel lucky - my family, winning prizes, finding bargains, movies, laughter. Come for a visit when you get a chance.

I'm your newest follower and looking forward to reading more.
My email is KellysLuckyYou at yahoo dot com Thanks for the chance to win door prizes.

Oh, I have a scavenger hunt that ends tomorrow, the prize is a $25 Target Card so hurry over!

Jenn said...

I'd love to win your handmade cards!! That tree one I see looks beautiful! PICK ME!! hehe :)

Hope you are having fun at the UBP!

Jenni ("Miss Tutu")
My UBP blog post: How to Make a Tutu blog - hope you will stop by, say hi, and grab a free tutu making lesson! :) and Mom Blogger $100 Cash Contest

Kristy K said...

I'm stopping by the UBP! I'm a Christian mommyblogger who writes about life with three kids and how to keep the spice alive in our marriage. I'm following you now!

Tina Hollenbeck said...

Hi from another Christian homeschooling momma! I'm going to bookmark you and come back after the hubbub of the UBP is over. I hope you can stop in to visit me (#225), too:

Anonymous said...

Hey stopping in to say hi from UBP! I love scrapbooking!!!