
Sunday, August 29, 2010

A Special Day

Today Devin and Lexi were both baptized by immersion at our church. It was a wonderful ceremony - meant just for kids in 1st - 5th grade. Sixteen kids in all were baptized and the chapel was packed with friends and family for each child.

All three of our children were baptized as infants at our old church but, we felt strongly about allowing the kids to have a believer's baptism at our new church - especially since all the kids have been asking to have one. I love the process they went through leading up to today. It is called Footsteps and it takes kids step by step through the process of understanding what it means to be baptized. I was so nervous when it came to our staff interview to see how the kids would respond to the questions but, I was so amazed at the well thought out responses they had. The best part is that our church videotapes each child's testimony prior to the baptism and it is played right before they are baptized. (I am in the process of uploading the videos to YouTube so that I can share.)
We were so thankful for the friends who attended to show support for Devin and Lexi. Lexi's GA Leader, Devin's Baseball All Star Team Coach, Lexi's Ballet School Director, Devin's RA Leader, Lexi's tutor and a few of our close family friends.

It was a very special day for our family.

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Take Me Out To The Ballpark

Our first field trip of the school year was today ... we headed out to Turner Field the home of the Braves! I can tell you one of my kids was over the top excited about this outing. The girls were just happy to be out and about on a field trip with friends - they always love carpooling, as half the fun of any field trip we take is time spent with friends during the commute and out to lunch afterward.
Today's field trip did not disappoint ... it was a great opportunity to see Turner Field, when no one else is there. We ran around the plaza looking at all the great statues, visited the dugout, broadcasting booth, a suite, and my son's favorite part of the day - we were able to walk on the field. I thought he was literally going to explode with excitement when he took his first step out onto the warning track. Devin was also our junior tour guide filling everyone in on the details he thought we might have missed.

Monday, August 23, 2010

A New School Year Begins

Our 2010 - 2011 school year has begun ... we got off to a great start this morning! The kids were excited to see what the year would hold curriculum wise and Ava Mae was just chomping at the bit to get started with Kindergarten.

I am employing some new practices this year (tips from some wonderful homeschool moms) - first, each child has an index card with their assignments for the whole week along with their chores - that way if they want to they can work ahead on assignments or, if they get behind, they know where they need to be by the end of the week.

Second, Devin and Lexi will take turns making lunch for everyone. Ava Mae is their assistant - her job is to prep the table and get drinks ready. All my kids love to cook and this gives them practice, with an easier meal.
Praise God for a most enjoyable first day!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Let The Activities Begin!

Last week our Wednesday night church activities started back and this week we added all of our other extra-curricular activities.

Lexi had a great opening night for GA's. They do makeovers on all the girls to celebrate the new year.
Lexi is back in ballet and tap - this year she is doing 3 hours of ballet a week (2 hours of pre-invitational and 1 hour of invitational I) and a half hour tap class.

Ava Mae is back at her 1 hour a week ballet class. She is so excited to have her best friend, Maddie Bell in class and her friend, Lindsey.

Devin is playing Fall Baseball in a Fellowship of Christian Athletes competitive league. He is excited about the opportunity he has to pitch!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Here is what has been hanging out around our home lately ... it completely freaked us out the other morning. We were looking out our sliding glass window, eating breakfast, when it dove down into our backyard. We all screamed - the kids thought it was batman. Not batman just a very large hawk.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Not-Back-to-School Blog Hop: Student Photo Week

Not Back to School Blog Hop

Though we are enjoying our last week of summer break I wanted to join in and post our unofficial "first day" pictures.

Devin, 4th Grade

Lexi, 2nd Grade

Ava Mae, Kindergarten

Looking forward to our year ahead!!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Devin Turns 9!

Happy Birthday Devin! Every year I look back at his birthday and think "how can time fly by this fast"? Devin is our oldest and made my husband and I into a family. I will never forget that joy I felt the first time I held him in my arms.

This weekend we are celebrating his 9 years ... Devin is probably my easiest child when it comes to birthdays. While my girls will begin planning their party at least 3 to 6 months out, Devin always says "let's do whatever you think would be fun". All that he requested was cinnamon rolls for breakfast and a pizza for dinner. When asked what presents he wanted ... he told me he already has too much. He did end up finally with one present request a Wii game but, he also said it would be better if we bought a used copy at the game store as it was less expensive. Devin's big gift from us were tickets to an upcoming Braves game for him and a friend.

Today we celebrated Devin's birthday by playing Monster Putt Putt Golf. Devin chose this year to just invite one close friend to spend an afternoon with. So it was golf, pizza and a big cookie cake - with a baseball theme, of course.

Devin, your sweet heart never ceases to amaze me! You love Jesus, your family, your favorite cat - Tigger, and baseball. I love watching the young man you are growing into! Your Dad and I love you so much!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

An attempt at a self portrait on our weekend getaway (we were in an elevator with a mirrored ceiling) ... would have been great, had I not blinked.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Anniversary Weekend

Daune and I decided to go away for a weekend to celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary. Originally, we were going to head to Savannah for the weekend but, we chose to stay close and spend more time enjoying a "vacation" rather than driving in our car. We got a 4 star hotel in downtown Atlanta and upon check in were upgraded to Executive Level by a great front desk clerk who wanted to do something special for us for our anniversary.

Friday night we enjoyed a wonderful dinner at Ruth's Chris Steak House ... one of my favorite restaurants!! Another great experience with a wonderful wait staff who could not do enough for us. I had to laugh at the fact that no one would believe we had been married for 20 years - sometimes it is hard for me to believe it has been that long.

Saturday we enjoyed just relaxing at our hotel - having a late breakfast, then heading to Piedmont Park with a quick stop at my sister's restaurant. Saturday night we had a suite at the Atlanta Braves game. It was so much fun watching the game from a comfortable air conditioned room. The game itself was also good and afterward, Sara Evans performed a free concert.

Then it seems just as quickly as our weekend got started it was over ... the kids had a great time during the weekend too but, they missed us and it was so great to see them!! Ava Mae spent at least an hour hugging me and telling me how much we were missed.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Back to School Pool Party

We had a great time yesterday at what the kids and I called the "Not" Back to School Pool Party with our homeschool small group. It is a great bunch of families in our group and it was so nice to see everyone after the summer break.

Though school started yesterday around here the kids and I won't get started back until August 23rd. Bring on the last few weeks of summer vacation!!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Monday, August 2, 2010

Not Back To School Blog Hop: Curriculum

Not Back to School Blog Hop

So excited to be participating again this year in the Not Back to School Blog Hop hosted by Heart of the Matter. This year we will have a 4th grader, 2nd grader, and Kindergartner at our home. We have an eclectic mix curriculum wise ... here is a look at what we are doing:

Devin - 4th grade

Bible - Boy I Have I Got Problems a study of the book of James for at least the first six weeks then by October the new Jesus Calling book for kids will be out and I already have mine on Amazon pre-order.
History - Abeka 4th grade History - History of Our United States (this is the 1st half of the year and then we will delve into Georgia History and complete a notebook with lots of fun information about our state)
Social Studies - Material World: A Global Family Portrait
Science - Exploring Creation with Astronomy
Math - Abeka 4th grade Math
Language Arts - Abeka 3rd grade Language Arts
Spelling & Poetry - Abeka 4th grade Spelling & Poetry
Writing - Creativity and Craft in Writing
Reading - Abeka 3rd and 4th grade readers
Art - Drawing with Children - 1 day week
Extra-Curricular - Classes beginning in September on Fridays -(science, history and PE) , RA's and Choir on Wednesday nights, Fall Baseball through October, piano lessons

Lexi - 2nd grade

Bible - Boy I Have I Got Problems a study of the book of James for at least the first six weeks then by October the new Jesus Calling book for kids will be out and I already have mine on Amazon pre-order.
History - Abeka 2nd grade History - Our America (this is the 1st half of the year and then we will delve into Georgia History and complete a notebook with lots of fun information about our state)
Social Studies - Material World: A Global Family Portrait
Science - Exploring Creation with Astronomy
Math - Abeka 2nd grade Math
Language Arts - Abeka Oral Language Arts program
Reading - Wilson Program along with continuing to utilize a private tutor
Writing - Journal
Art - Abeka's 2nd grade Art Project Book and Drawing with Children - 1 day week
Extra-Curricular - Classes beginning in September on Fridays -(art, history and PE) , GA's and Choir on Wednesday nights, ballet 2 days a week, piano lessons

Ava Mae - Kindergarten (3 days a week)

Bible - Boy I Have I Got Problems a study of the book of James for at least the first six weeks then by October the new Jesus Calling book for kids will be out and I already have mine on Amazon pre-order.
Phonics - Wilson's Fundamentals program for Kindergartners
Math - Horizons Kindergarten Math
Reading - Five In A Row - one book a week along with activities
Extra-Curricular - Classes beginning in September on Fridays - (3 1/2 hour Kindergarten program), Mission Friends and Choir on Wednesday nights, ballet 1 day a week

Not it is your turn ... hop on over to Heart of the Matter online, grab a button and post what you are doing this year!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Weekend Mountain Trip

This weekend we met my parents in the North Georgia mountains for an early birthday celebration for Devin. Originally, my parents were coming here to celebrate Devin's birthday on the 14th at a Braves game but, my Dad will now be in Florida during that time so we came up with an alternative.

It was a quick trip but, packed with fun! Baseball, lots of horses, a cookout, swimming and 4 hours of sitting out under the stars in rocking chairs watching the very first night of a meteor shower. We could not have asked for a nicer weekend!