
Monday, October 4, 2010

A Girls Weekend

This weekend Daune and Devin headed off to camp at a state park in the North Georgia mountains with some friends from church, so the girls and I enjoyed a weekend together!

Friday night we enjoyed going out to dinner at a soup and sandwich restaurant - something the guys do not enjoy.
Saturday we headed North ourselves to the mountains to pick apples ... it was perfect weather and the apples were plentiful - they were easy to pick as they were at the point of just falling off the trees. We picked three different types and ended up with over 20 pounds of apples. (This week I will be pulling out all of my apple recipes.) This little field trip was perfect as Ava Mae is learning all about Johnny Appleseed and we are reading "How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World".
We spent Saturday evening crafting with one of Lexi's friends - she needed to make birthday party invites and I am always looking for an excuse to craft, so we invited her over to make her invitations.
By Sunday the girls and I were missing Daune and Devin and I know they were excited to get home and get a shower - I don't think primitive camping is for them. :) Though I must say, it was primitive only in the accommodations - the food had us all drooling - steaks, wings, jambalaya, eggs and bacon.


  1. The invitations are darling! Sounds like you all had a fun weekend.

  2. What a wonderful weekend! I love the apple shirts that the girls had on and the invite was just too cute!

  3. Looks fun!! Instead of sending a separate email-wanted to check in and make sure you are still on for the 22nd. (fall party) Let me know if we can help with anything! Will you send out a reminder email to the group in a week or so? Hopefully everyone has it on their calendar. Haven't seen everyone as much this school year and really hope everyone will be able to make it!

  4. Mother/daughter weekends are so much fun when the guys are gone. Looks like you all had a great time.
    My girl & I had a girls weekend a few weeks ago. It was so fun.
