
Friday, October 8, 2010

Weekly Wrap Up - October 8th

This week seemed to be all about apples ... with 25 pounds worth of apples sitting in my kitchen from our apple orchard visit this past weekend, it just seemed the right time to study all about Johnny Appleseed.

We made apple cake ...

and caramel apples ...
we gifted lots of friends with our apple bounty also.

Next week Ava Mae and I continue on in our apple theme - we will be reading "How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World". Of course, there will be apple pie and Ava Mae will continue to work on her Johnny Appleseed lapbook. This year I am doing our lapbooks a little differently - I guess you wouldn't really consider it a lapbook being that Ava Mae glues the pieces into her journal book rather than a folder.

In other studies, this was out last week in our Devotion Book - "Boy Have I Got Problems". The kids were sad it has come to an end. It was really a great bible study and we are still not done with James. The kids and I are continuing to memorize the whole book.

In science, we learned all about Mercury and each child drew their version of the planet for their science notebook. Next week, we are making a clay model of the planet. We are all loving Science!!

I am beginning to miss having all three kids in the same history curriculum. I don't miss having to read for hours and hours each week and feeling so far behind if I missed one day but, I do miss our history projects we worked on together. I think though we might take some time during the week of Thanksgiving to do a little bit of history together utilizing a lapbook.

On Fridays we like to let the kids take turns having friends over - today it was Lexi's turn. She had a sweet homeschool friend from church over. The girls spent the afternoon crafting and baking cookies. Then we walked our neighborhood and delivered some "Boo" treats to our friends.
The culmination of our week was Devin's baseball game tonight - it was an awesome game. Devin had his first triple - he was steps away from a home-run before being called back to 3rd by his 3rd base coach, he had 3 outs at 1st in one inning and he was awarded the game ball by his team. A great ending to a wonderful week!

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