
Thursday, January 20, 2011

January Field Trip

This month our field trip was right in line with what we are studying in science, astronomy. We had a wonderful speaker (a former science teacher) who taught the kids all about the sun.

If we were to dissect the sun and take a look at its layers this is what it would be composed of ...
Sometimes I feel I am learning just as much as the kids when we study subjects like this. Devin and Lexi each got a chance to make up a layer of the sun. Devin was able to play the part of a radiator - representing the radiative layer. Lexi was the hula hooping girl - representing the convective zone.

Afterward, we joined a bunch of our friends at Chick-Fil-A, my children's fast food restaurant of choice after any field trip. I look forward to these lunches almost as much as my kids ... so nice to hang out with other homeschool moms and chat for an hour or two.
And, as always, when it is time to go home there are tears ... (couldn't help but include this adorable photograph of my friend's "too cute for words" daughter)

1 comment:

  1. Already got it blogged. You are awesome! Thanks for the recap. I missed most of it. I almost asked people if they wanted to go to lunch but I was having a "shy" day.:) Looks like yall had fun!
