
Friday, January 21, 2011

End of the Week {Ramblings}

With Snowpocalypse 2011 behind us it was back to normal for us this week ...

We are getting back into our normal groove with school after the holidays ... much less grumbling this week and it was so nice to have a field trip - especially one that pertains to what we have been studying!

Lexi had her first pottery class on Wednesday and absolutely loved it. I knew she would - she has been playing around with her small pottery wheel she received for Christmas. Plus, she has still not stopped talking about the artist's studio we visited in Asheville last Spring where several potter's were throwing clay.

Today all three kids headed back to Timothy.

This semester our course load looks like this:

Exploring Creation with Astronomy
KNEX with Simple Machines
Georgia State History
Speed and Agility Training

Exploring Creation with Astronomy
Paint Like a Renaissance Artist Part 2
Georgia State History
Irish Dance

Ava Mae
Kindergarten (3.5 hour block)

The exciting news is that I am teaching this semester at Timothy - Georgia State History. I love the curriculum I am using and have some fun things planned.

In other news, this past Monday I received an exciting package in the mail ... a new pair of BearPaw boots. I had won them in a giveaway and I think I have been wearing them non-stop ever since. They are so comfy and warm ... exactly what I needed!

Also, this week I received my copy of "One Thousand Gifts" Ann Voskamp's new book. All I can say is amazing! Her words are just what I needed to hear. My blog is named "Joy in the Everyday" and I need to start taking notice of that "joy" in every small detail. Our God is so good and though he can give us the big stuff we need - finding true joy is seeing all God is in the small stuff. We don't need a bigger house, a fancier car, a big vacation or a bucket list to find joy in God - he is right here every day! He is in the smell of a pan of brownies baking in the oven, warm sunlight streaming through our sliding doors at the kitchen table on a cold morning, in our big fluffy grey cat's purr. Every week I will be posting my list of gifts ... all the way until I reach 1,000! I hope some of you will join me on this journey. Head on over to Ann's blog to read more about her.

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