
Monday, January 24, 2011

Multitudes on Mondays {1 - 10}

My journey begins ... chronicling my one thousand gifts -

1. A Monday holiday with my husband at home.
2. Warm sunlight streaming through our sliding glass door on a cold morning - warming our kitchen.
3. Sweet note from my daughter, Lexi.
4. The smell of warm brownies baking in the oven.
5. Field Trips!
6. Chick-Fil-A after our field trip - conversations with good friends.
7. A clear answer from God on an issue my husband and I had both been praying about for the last week.
8. A husband who values our family time over a new job offer paying more money.
9. An amazing worship service yesterday at church which spoke to my heart.
10. Lexi's and my new bible study with dear friends - Secret Keeper Girls.

1 comment:

  1. oh i just bought this book. did you know that bloom at {in}courage is doing this book for their book club? they even have Ann for weekly updates on each chapter.
    okay so anyways, i wanted to join in and noticed that everyone else was well in the 100's with theirs and now that i see you starting at number, has giving me encouragement . i'm thinking about doing it next week.
