
Monday, February 28, 2011

Multitudes on Mondays {71 - 90}

We had an amazing winter break last week ... the weather was so nice - we had the house all opened up every day and the kids spent endless hours outside playing with friends.

71. friends who live on our street

72. winter break

73. catching up on laundry!

74. fun grocery store outing with Devin (love his mathematical brain)

75. listening to imaginative play between my children

76. new stamping magazine

77. my husband's bonus

78. dinner out at our friend's new restaurant

79. another beautiful spring like day

80. picking out new lighting fixtures

81. spring cleaning (with a little help from our housekeeper)

82. antique shopping with my girls

83. lots of playdates!

84. finally getting a handyman to fix all those little things we have had on a list for the last year

85. new guitars for Daune and Devin and the beautiful music we have been hearing from those guitars (Devin's other guitar was the only casualty during my weekend away - somehow the neck broke when one of the kid's accidentally tripped over it.)

86. sunny morning and birds singing outside my bedroom window

87. getting Lexi's sewing machine working thanks to my friend, Christi

88. tea party for the girls at our friend's home

89. time to catch up and chat with a friend

90. new living room furniture and a home all ready for my parent's visit tomorrow!


  1. wow! we were on a break too from school. although we didn't have great weather like you did.
    we did get to visit with some friends that my girl hasn't seen in a while. that was a great park day.

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