
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Family Visit

We had a quick visit from my parents and three of my younger siblings this week ... they were only here for 24 hours but, we enjoyed some great food, fun conversation, and a late night jam session.
My family was also able to see Lexi perform three of her dances for the upcoming "My Daughter My Princess" ballet she is in. (They won't be able to make the performance as my sister is giving birth any day and they are heading to Florida)

My sister Cassie is a professional ballerina and the girls at the ballet school fell in love with her immediately. She spoke to a group of the Invitational dancers yesterday afternoon and showed them a few steps from her recent performance in the Nutcracker as the Sugar Plum Fairy.


  1. Hey, I haven't seen your blog in a while. It looks so good! by the way, am I a "no reply" blogger?

  2. Hey where is the feed burner button?
