
Monday, March 21, 2011

Multitudes on Mondays {130 - 150}

130. my husband helping the kids learn all of their lines and music for "Pirates of Penzance"

131. dinner out with homeschool friends

132. listening to our kids laugh and play during dinner

133. friends to do Weight Watchers with

134. watching our golden retriever lying in the sun ... soaking in the rays

135. my sister giving birth to a healthy baby boy

136. for camera phones and texting so that I could see pictures and hear all the details as soon as my nephew was born

137. an afternoon of sitting on my friend's deck and watching our children play in her backyard

138. spring is everywhere

139. watching Devin and Lexi's astronomy presentations in their Timothy Class

140. my daughter finally catching the lizard our cat brought into the house many days ago

141. watching my son play baseball on a warm Saturday afternoon

142. wearing flip flops for the first time since last season

143. the amazing moon on Saturday night

144. our telescope

145. an impromptu astronomy lesson for the kids led by my husband

146. witnessing spontaneous baptisms at our church

147. a fun Sunday School class

148. Spiritual Gifts

149. feeling convicted about really examining my life and figuring out where God would have me use the gifts he has given me

150. being commissioned as new members at our wonderful church

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