
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Nature Study - Charlotte Mason Style

With the beautiful spring weather I was once again inspired to do a Charlotte Mason style nature study. I took my two girls and a friend's two girls, and with picnic lunch in hand, headed to a wonderful park just down the street from us. {My great friend Tammy took my son and her son to the Auto Show in Atlanta today so I had her two girls.}

There were hundreds and hundreds of tadpoles. The girls had so much fun studying them and trying to scoop them up in cups. We were even able to find lots of frog eggs.
Science comes to life so much more when the kids get to experience it up close!


  1. The pond at Sope Creek off of Paper Mill Road. Our favorite park!

  2. I was going to ask the same question! Looks like the perfect place for learning to take place! You are an awesome mom!! thank you so much for the book suggestions for planets!

  3. Looks like you had great fun! I love all the frog eggs. Kudos to whoever was holding them. I am such a girl that I would probably scream or throw up if I had to hold them. lol
