
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Another Year ...

... comes to a close! It feels so good to write those words!! Our 2010 -2011 school year ended this past Friday - 180 days checked off.

It has been another great year ... Devin continued to excel in Math and Science and made huge strides in Language Arts, after I switched up our curriculum. Lexi finished a year of private tutoring in Wilson and is already showing huge improvements with her dyslexia, she also continues to be my big writer - always love to see what she has written in her journal. Ava Mae finished her Kindergarten year and while she can not wait to be in 1st grade for me it is a little sad to imagine my youngest is no longer in those pre-school years. Devin has told Ava Mae to be prepared as the fun days of Kindergarten are now behind her and she must do "real" schoolwork now. ;)

I am looking forward to this break summer affords me! It is so nice to wake up with no set agenda or a deadline to be out of the house for some extra-curricular activity. Though we always continue to school through the summer after an initial two week break - the school work is much more relaxed consisting of a few math pages and reading each week. My curriculum for next school year has been decided and purchased. Nothing left to do on that front. :) It feels so good to begin packing up all of our school work from this year and switching out old curriculum for new. Also, weeding through what we have and preparing to sell things we are done with.

The kids have already begun to fill out our slips for our summer bucket list {this idea was a cute gift from a friend for my birthday}. I am just looking forward to lazy days at our club - nothing more than hours of swimming and reading a book pool side.


  1. Congratulations! The swimming and reading pool side sounds dreamy. I am trying to slow mine down and enjoy the pre-school years because I know I am going to be a little sad when they are over for us too even though we have quite a few more to go. :-)

  2. Congrats! We don't have to log days, but finished up a big chunk of our curriculum last Friday. With other things, I'm going through Wednesday and then calling it good on our "spring term." We work year-round so we'll have "summer term" after a 2 1/2 week break, but that's much lighter and leaves lots of time for relaxing and outings.
