
Monday, May 16, 2011

And, It's a Wrap ...

Another dance year has come to a close ... both of our girls danced beautifully in the recital. Lexi was a trooper - dancing five dances in the first recital and three in the second. At one point, having just 30 seconds to change her costume and get back on stage again.
Ava Mae's tap dance number was adorable! Ava has been so excited to dance on a chair - it is all I have heard about for the last few months.

Just three weeks from now the girls will be dancing in Asheville, NC at my sister's ballet company. So excited for them! Then Lexi comes back for her first year of dancing summer intensive classes here at our ballet school.


  1. Oh how adorable! I bet that is fun. I am trying to decide between dance and gymnastics for Kaley. Where do they take dance at?

  2. oh they look so cute and pretty in their costumes.
    they will have such fun having their aunt as a teacher.
