
Friday, May 13, 2011

Last Fieldtrip of the School Year

Yesterday we took our final field trip of the year ... Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield. It was a good culmination to our Georgia State History study.

Devin hiked to the top with some friends ... I drove my two girls and their friend who had a broken ankle. {When you drive up it is just a short hike to the very top of the mountain}
{Pictured below a few of the kids from our field trip - pausing for a quick group pic}
Devin was lucky to spot a deer while hiking ... we all took in the beautiful views at the top and the flowers that were blooming everywhere, then there was this butterfly who appeared to want to join us.
After hiking we toured the museum with a brief history on the civil war and watched a movie which chronicled the battle at Kennesaw Mountain and subsequent march through Atlanta.
Looking forward to planning next year's fieldtrips for our homeschool group!


  1. so cool. what great pics.
    i love learning about history {wasn't a fan of it when i was a kid}.
    you always take such cool field trips. too bad i don't live close to you cause i would LOVE} to be in your home-school group. lol

  2. I'm kind of bummed we didn't go, but it was a pretty busy week. Beautiful day for it, though!!
