
Monday, May 2, 2011

The Big 4-0

Well, no matter how much I wished it away, the Big 4-0 arrived this weekend. It really was not as bad as I thought it would be ... I woke up on Sunday morning feeling the same as I did on Saturday morning.

I really had an amazing weekend ... if this is how a dreaded birthday is celebrated sign me up for more.

Friday I received a beautiful bouquet of flowers from my husband. {pictured above}

Friday night I got to spend time out with a good friend at Archiver's, my very favorite paper crafting store. Hours to wander around like a "kid in a candy store". Plus, lots of time to talk and I even was able to make a card or two.

I spent Saturday with this crazy bunch of girls {while my husband coached and Devin pitched in a double header} ... we volunteered with our church for Share the Blessing. Our assignment was working a "temporary tattoo" table at a street fair we put on at a local apartment community. The girls had a blast and I loved seeing their sweet hearts serving others {more on that in a later post}.

Saturday night my husband took me to one of my fave steak restaurants - Ruth Chris.

Sunday was family time ... we enjoyed lunch out after church and then home for cards and cake. Only part of my gift has arrived ... the iPad2 was back ordered for over two weeks so mine will not arrive until sometime this week. Until then I guess I will just carry around the cute pink cover inside the quilted iPad2 holder bag my dear friend, Christi made me and just pretend it is here.

I am so blessed to have the best friends and family ... I praise God for the amazing life he has given me and for another wonderful 40 years!!


  1. Happy birthday! From someone who reached your milestone a couple of years ago, I just suggest not thinking too much about the number but just going by how you feel. Of course, some days I feel 80, lol, but most of the time I really don't feel different than I did in my 20s and 30s. :^)

  2. Happy birthday! 40 is a great age. You will love it. I am 54 today and the number has not bothered me yet.
    Just another day to be thankful for.
    Have a great one

  3. Happy Belated Birthday!
    Looks like you had a wonderful weekend.
