
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Our Week In Review - May 7th

It has been a busy week for us ... lots of opportunities for us to volunteer, ordering fall curriculum at the homeschool convention, Homeschool Moms Appreciation Tea and, of course, baseball.

Last Saturday the girls and I volunteered with Share the Blessing {members of our church come together to serve God by volunteering in the community at over twenty different locations}. We went to an apartment community and put on a street fair for the kids. We were assigned to the "temporary tattoo" booth. My girls had a great time ... along with some friends we brought along to help. I really did not get to do much myself, other than supervise. The girls pretty much took over. Love seeing their hearts for service!

This week a friend of mine, Susan, decided she would rent a truck and drive to Alabama with supplies for the tornado victims. Susan has a way of rallying the troops whenever she has a cause to get behind. I sent an email to all of our homeschool friends letting them know what was going on and everyone jumped in to donate supplies. I filled the back of my Sequoia with diapers, wipes, baby clothes, baby bottles, stuffed animals, flashlights, batteries, paper goods and toiletries. My girlfriends, Tammy and JJ also volunteered their time helping organize all the donations my friend, Susan, received and before we knew it her whole garage was completely filled. It was amazing to see the outpouring of kindness from our community. Also, the number of strangers who showed up to donate who found out about Susan's effort through an email from a friend of a friend. Yesterday, the truck was driven over to Alabama and all these supplies will be reaching those in need very soon!

On Friday, my good friend Jennifer and I headed to the Georgia Home Education Association Convention. We spent the day working our way down the list of curriculum vendors we needed to see. I was so happy by the end of the day to have purchased all of our curriculum for this fall. It is always nice to roll into summer with nothing on the "to do" list for the start of school other than lesson planning. I have found after four years of homeschooling it makes for a much more laid back summer break.

I also attended, on Tuesday, an Appreciation Tea for all the moms in our homeschool group. It was such a relaxing night. Our speaker was a homeschool dad and he was so funny and inspirational with lots of encouraging words. I enjoyed getting to sit with my good friends Tammy, Jennifer and JJ at a table hosted by one of our homeschool group leaders.

Baseball continues to consume most of Devin's time ... lots of baseball games {mainly because so many were rained out early on in the season}. Devin continues to love pitching and has been the starting pitcher for the last few weeks for his team. Last night he pitched in almost perfect two innings and received the game ball!
So that was our week! Just two short weeks left on our school calendar ... so hard to believe. We will be so busy over the next fourteen days that I feel like we will blink and summer break will be here! Can you tell I am just a little excited for the lazy days of summer to be upon us??

1 comment:

  1. What a busy, yet exciting week! As a mom it is so rewarding to see a servants heart in your children! You have amazing little ones in your home. I sure am ready for some unstructured summer days too!
