
Monday, June 20, 2011

Fun Summer Nails

I saw this fun nail polish technique on a couple of blogs right before vacation. I knew my sister Cassie would totally be game to giving it a go as she loves doing nails and always has tons of nail polish. We decided to do tie dyed - red, white, and blue nails.

{Step 1 - Tape all around fingernails so that nail polish will not get on your hands. Then add red, white, and blue nail polish to a cup of water.}
{Step 2 - Swirl with a tooth pick to make a random design.}
{Step 3 - This is what your cup should look like.}
{Step 4 - Swirl fingers around the cup making sure to not put your fingers in past the tape. Unlike my daughter's hand above - she got a little excited and stuck her whole hand in the cup.}
{Step 5 - Peel off tape and clean up any excess nail polish with a paint brush dipped in nail polish remover}

This was such a fun activity and though the prep can take a little time (taping around all the nails) the nail polish dry super quick after your fingers come out of the water. I think this is the perfect rainy day summer activity.


  1. That is neat....I may just allow some nail polish in the house and do that with my girls (I had to ban polish due to son painting the walls with it) Following as well from the Crew

  2. What a great idea! thanks for the fun post!

    I'm stopping by from the crew, and now I'm a GFC follower.
