
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Happy Birthday to my Husband!

Happy Birthday to my wonderful husband!! We had such a great time celebrating his birthday this weekend ...
{My husband with his new iPhone 4 ... kids had a hard time keeping that a secret}

{Celebrating at one of our favorite Mexican restaurants}

{Also enjoyed cupcakes from our favorite cupcake bakery}

{On Saturday night, we got a babysitter and headed out for a date night - first stop was an Irish Pub where we enjoyed traditional fish and chips}

{Then a mini-drum circle at the Square ... this was supposed to be a symphony but, I think someone got it wrong on the Square's calendar}

{This guy was hilarious to watch with his dancing bird}

{We watched the sun set on the Square while listening to the drums}

{Love how the Square looks at night ... }


  1. Happy Birthday to your hubby. I love fish and chips and really where else is there to get them than a pub!

  2. What a great time! We are originally from upstate SC and would sometimes go to Savannah for the day when we were at the beach - missing that hot sun now!


  3. Belated happy Birthday ! Yummy Cake and fantastic birth day party . good looking
    Sb&b breakfast
