
Monday, July 25, 2011

Great Weekend Find

This weekend we made a stop at a thrift store ... I was looking for some photography props. My husband found this Commemorative Atlanta Centennial Olympic Monopoly game and we had to have it. There were a few pieces missing - mainly the game tokens but, Ava Mae found us these great replacements.
My husband is more patient than I when it comes to board games and played a full 4 hour game of Monopoly with the kids on Saturday and we played a quick 1 hour game last night. I forgot how great this game is for teaching kids about counting change.
Ava Mae loved being our assistant banker and the keeper of the hotels and houses.
All this fun for the bargain price of $1.50.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! that is a great find! looks like you all are having so much fun with it.
