
Friday, July 29, 2011

Atlantic Station {Food Truck Friday}

The kids and I have wanted to try out some of Atlanta's food trucks for awhile {ever since watching a television show about food trucks on the Food Network}. My friend, Meredith who blogs over at Finding Soul Balance, had recently let me know that the food trucks now had a day at Atlantic Station. That location is much more doable than hauling my three children to downtown Atlanta for lunch.
So, we headed to Atlantic Station today ... my husband came along for the fun, as he works from home on Fridays and has a more flexible schedule. I promised him it would be worth the short drive into Midtown.

We were all happy with our choices! One thing I love about the food truck gathering is there is something for everyone. Ava Mae went with Mexican. My husband, Devin, and Lexi chose Fish n Chips. While myself and my daughter's best friend, Grace, chose American fare. I likened our choices to a tapas restaurant as we all had portions we could share with each other. Everything was delicious, though my favorite truck was Tex's Tacos - Mac, one of the owners, was awesome and even posed for a picture!!

I can see why they were voted "Best Food Truck" by the Atlanta Journal Constitution newspaper.
The Fish n Chips Truck and Slider U were also really good ... My husband loved the Philly Cheese Steak Slider.

After eating lunch, we did a little Fall clothes shopping at H&M ... Lexi enjoys bestowing her fashion sense on anyone that will listen and today that willing person was her best friend, Grace. The girls all found some cute items and even my son, Devin, who was really only in this adventure for the fish and chips, found himself a jacket for fall. {Pictured below the girls posing as if mannequins in a window}
If you live in the Atlanta area you have to experience the food truck revolution. These restaurants on wheels are really putting out some of the best food!


  1. That looks like so much fun! I didn't know there was an H&M in Atlanta. Good to know!

  2. I am so glad I finally found your blog. I keep meaning to ask you for the "address" every time I see you and then forget. I love how you got the reflections of the buildings in the window of H&M. I may steal your idea one day, since I take a lot of pictures in that exact spot.
