
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Not Back to School - Our Curriculum 2011 - 2012

Here we go again ... hard to believe but, it is that time of year again to ramp up for our school year. I am so thankful that I made our decisions on curriculum way back at the end of April. {It also helped that I had the kids take their standardized tests back then - both Devin and Lexi scored above average in almost every single subject so I knew we were on the right track with what we had been doing} It has provided me a relaxing summer with no need to worry or stress over what we were doing this coming school year. I just took time this past Spring to talk with fellow homeschool moms and pray about what God would have us doing this year. Then when our homeschool convention rolled around the first part of May I was able to go and purchase everything we needed.

So, without further adieu, here is what we will be up to this year:

Devin ~ 4th Grade

Bible - My Father's World
Reading - Abeka 4th Grade

Language - Abeka 4th Grade
Spelling - Spelling Power
Math - Abeka 4th and 5th Grade
History - Mixture of Abeka and My Father's World {US History}
Science/Health - Abeka {also Nature Journaling one day a week}
Co-Op Classes - Explorers {History}, Forensic Science, Physical Education, Guitar II {with an amazing teacher}
Extra-Curricular - Choir and Royal Ambassadors, Baseball {Fall and Spring}

Lexi ~ 3rd Grade

Bible - My Father's World
Reading/Spelling - Wilson {also tutoring one day a week}

Language - "Primary Language Lessons"
Handwriting - Abeka - Cursive
Math - Abeka 3rd Grade
History - My Father's World - US History - 50 States - Patriotic Symbols
Science - My Father's World - Stars, Weather, Planets, Animals, Atoms and Energy
Art -
"I Can Do All Things"
Music/Artist Study - Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker and various artists
Co-Op Classes - Chemistry, American Girl {American History Class}, Quilting
Extra-Curricular - Choir and Girls in Action, Ballet {4 hours each week}

Ava Mae ~ 1st Grade

Bible - My Father's World
Reading - Wilson

Language - "Primary Language Lessons"
Handwriting - Handwriting Without Tears - Print
Math - Abeka 1st Grade
History -
My Father's World - US History - 50 States - Patriotic Symbols
Science - My Father's World - Stars, Weather, Planets, Animals, Atoms and Energy
Art - "I Can Do All Things"
Music/Artist Study -
Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker and various artists
Co-Op Classes - Chemistry, Spanish, Five In A Row
Extra-Curricular - Choir and Girls in Action, Ballet {1.5 hours each week}

So excited for our school year ... Abeka continues to work really well for Devin. He is a super fast learner and it allows him to move at a faster pace, more independently. Lexi and Ava Mae are going to be utilizing the same curriculum {My Father's World} for several of their subjects - which will lighten my teaching load immensely.

I am linking this post up to Heart of the Matter's Not Back to School Blog Hop ... this week's theme is our 2011 - 2012 curriculum. Hop on over and check out what everyone is going to be doing this year!

Not Back to School Blog Hop


  1. How sweet for you to have the testing out of the way and be confident that what you're doing works! After a relaxing summer I'm sure you feel very refreshed!

  2. I love that you can combine two children's work and save yourself some prep time! It sound like you'll have another busy year ahead of you. I hope it's a fantastic one, too!

  3. I hopped over here from HOTM's NOT Back to School Blog Hop -- thank you for sharing what you'll be doing this year! I do hope you'll head over to see what's going on at our homeschool!
    Best wishes!

  4. Excellent idea teaching some of the subjects together (for at least a couple of them). We try to do some of our subjects all together, and that makes a huge difference for us!

  5. I use Abeka Math with my little guy and I love their Health program. It's nice that you can combine MFW to help lighten the load. Have a great school year!

  6. wow! great stuff for the kids. do you home-school every day? how many hours do you home-school each child?

  7. Looks like a fun year - we love the Nutcracker and Tchaikovsky!

  8. We have some friends who use MFW, they just love it! What a fun year -enjoy!

  9. Love reading others plans for 1st grade - I'll have 2 in 1st this year. Visiting from the Not Back to School hop and now following as part of the TOS Crew

  10. HI!

    OK I am so glad I found your blog! I live in the NE Burbs of the Atl....and have a 4th Grade son, 3rd Grade Daughter and a Son in K! I love your line-up...I think we have a LOT in common. Would love for you to drop by and if you're ever comfortable with it...maybe we can get together at a park. There are several bloggers in the area...I have been meeting them irl at the HomeschoolConventions! Wasn't GHEA fabulous! It is definitely my favorite. The one last weekend was ok...but,I worked at it and was so thankful for the opportunity! Hope you'll drop me a line:

  11. Looks like a great year ahead for you and the kids!!!

  12. I hope you have a great year!


  13. I'm glad to see someone else using some Abeka stuff!

  14. Don't you love when you know what works? Sounds like you've got a great plan lined up! Good luck on a great year.

  15. It's great that you planned ahead and were able to have the benefit of knowing what was working and to be able to see the products before you decided. Hope you have a great school year!
