
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tis the Season

It is here ... the Christmas season is upon us. Last night I enjoyed a wonderful time with some of my good friends. I hosted a table at our church's women's Christmas Celebration program - the program was so good {though I know I say that every year}, the food was amazing, and it was so nice spending time with some of my dearest friends.
Today was the Lottie Moon Bake sale at church ... the girls made 48 cookies {2 dozen white chocolate peppermint cookies and 2 dozen six layer cookies}.

Lexi continues with her Cindy Lou practices {pictured below the two Cindy Lou's} ... this Saturday is the big performance. Ava Mae and Lexi are both so excited about "How the Grinch Found Christmas".

Yes, the Christmas season is upon us ... we are enjoying each exciting day - even if our calendar is completely full until Christmas. Tomorrow I will post about our new way of celebrating Advent this year.


  1. Love your tree. The girls look adorable. Sounds like things are in full swing at your house. ;)

  2. Lots of fun at your house. Your Cindy Lou's are adorable!!!

  3. This post made me hungry! I love the tree.

  4. I just love Christmastime! Your girls are too cute!

  5. Looks like lots of fun! And your tree is so pretty.

  6. What a cute Cindy Lou! Hope the performance was wonderful! Love the sound of both of those kinds of cookies...are the recipes anywhere on your blog?

  7. So much excitement there, but I had to stop and ponder 6 layer cookies. Your girls look so cute.
