
Thursday, December 1, 2011

24 Days : A New Way to Celebrate Advent

We love Advent ... the anticipation of the celebration of Jesus' coming to earth. Each year I pick a fun study for us to do during the season.

Some years we have made fun crafts, other years we have put together a Playmobil Advent scene {1 piece a day}, this year I decided I really wanted our focus to be outward. So, in that spirit, I found an amazing idea one day a few months ago while on Pinterest {a major addiction of mine}.

Tracie who blogs over at TSJ Photography posted how last year for Advent each day their family performed a RACK , which stands for Random Act of Christmas Kindness, I knew immediately that is what I wanted us to do! The kids were so excited when I told them about the idea. I loved that Tracie posted some of the things they had done last year {passing out Starbucks gift cards, taping candy canes to ATM machines, etc.}.

So, today was our first day, we decided to buy a box of donuts and deliver them to our local police officers for a morning treat. We tied a red bow around the box and taped one of our RACK cards to the top. The police officer who greeted us did not look like she was having a good day but, if you could see the huge smile on her face once she realized we were there with a gift it was absolutely priceless. My kids left feeling they had shared Jesus with her. {I decided I won't be taking along my big camera to snap pics - many times I want our acts to truly be random and my camera is just too heavy to carry around all the time. So pics will be from my iPhone instead.}

If you want to join in on this Advent fun, Tracie has been so sweet to post RACK cards for you to download - what could be easier.

Also, this is the book I have chosen to use this year for our Advent Study. A study every day leading up to Christmas along with discussion questions.


  1. Oh I love this idea! I think I will incorporate that next cards are already filled out.
    I downloaded that book to my Kindle. I can't wait to start that tonight.
