
Monday, May 21, 2012

Catching Up : {Ballet, Baseball, and more}

The last two weeks have been a blur ... dance recitals, baseball playoffs and All-Stars, the end of our school year and standardized testing. And, in the midst of all of that ... my computer caught a virus and completely crashed losing all of my files and pictures. {Thankfully, we were able to pay someone to recover and restore my main computer and I have an iPad and laptop which I was able to use. I now vow to actually begin using the backup drive my husband bought for my computer over a year ago.}

Lexi and Ava Mae's ballet recital was beautiful ... both girls did a great job! It was a long two days but, it is always so nice to see them dance on stage and to see the improvement they have made over the last year.

Devin's baseball team {that my husband coaches} finished their season in 3rd place after a week long double elimination tournament. In amazing end ... we actually entered the playoffs in 6th place. All the kids played their hearts out and we lost to the 2nd best team in the league by just one run.

Devin attended the league championship game where he was awarded a trophy for being named the best hitter in the league with a .787 batting average and an .800 on base percentage. {I am told these numbers are really good.

And, last but, definitely not the least ... we finished our school year and all of our standardized testing last week!! Devin and Lexi celebrated by going to Six Flags with my husband. A fun way to the end the school year.

So what lies ahead... lots of swimming, a month of ballet intensive for Lexi, a month of travel baseball for Devin, VBS at our church, a camp here at our home, ballet camp for Ava Mae, a trip to our friend's lakehouse, lots of playdates, and a week long trip to the beach when everyone else heads back to school in August. So thankful, summer is here!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a perfectly delightful Summer! Your pictures are, indeed, full of the joy in everyday.

    Following you via GFC - sharing blessings from the Crew.

    Have fun! You are abundantly blessed,

    PK @ Knee Deep In Grace
