
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Summer Fun Schedule

I saw this great idea on Pinterest and thought it would be perfect for our summer fun schedule each week. {Each day Monday - Friday has a theme for something fun to do.} The printable and idea was created by Stephanie Dulgarian over at Somewhat Simple . She was so sweet to place a link on her blog so that you can download your own schedule sheet.

Steph suggests printing and laminating but, I figured it would look nice in a frame on our kitchen counter and the glass would serve as our "dry erase" surface.

I found some cute summer themed scrapbook paper in my stash and just cut out the box from the printable and glued it on. Also, picked up a set of dry erase markers and a frame at our Dollar Store, while I was out and about today. The craft took less than five minutes and just $2 to complete from start to finish. The kids love it, and so do I!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love this idea. It's so simple. I think I will do the same. Our summer hasn't officially started yet but when it does...I'll be ready!
