
Thursday, July 5, 2012

4th of July {2012}

I hope everyone had a great 4th of July! We had a great day, though having a holiday in the middle of the week always messes with my head. I know at least three times yesterday I thought it was Saturday and that I had a ton of things I needed to have done already ... including making sure we had enough parent volunteers for children's church on Sunday. So happy when I remembered it was just Wednesday.

We spent hours on our friends' new boat on a nearby lake having a blast -


{Swinging on a Rope Swing}


{and, just hanging out.}

After coming home and resting up ... time for bbq and a red, white and blue cake {I know the cake looks more like red, white and green - the blue needed to be a little darker}.

Followed by fireworks ... some of our own in the driveway waiting for the fireworks our neighborhood's country club put on each year. Lucky to be able to view these from our yard.

Can't believe it is already July! The summer is flying by. Hope you are enjoying your summer! Camp Crafty Girls next week and then Camp Winshape in a few weeks. Looking forward to a more relaxed summer month!

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