
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Camp Crafty Girls {2012} ~ Day 3

Last day of Camp Crafty Girls 2012 ... what another super fun day! Our theme for today was "Team Spirit".  As we prepare for the Olympics to begin in a few weeks I thought it would be fun to make a few crafts to show our support for team USA. Little did I know how the girls would take this theme and run with it. :)

After finishing our scrapbooks, we then began work on our Red, White, and Blue Skirts for our American Girl Dolls {and a few stuffed animals}.

With the leftover scraps the girls crafted headbands, bracelets, and belts for their dolls. So creative!

Next, we were on to our "Crafting in the Kitchen" portion of camp. Today it was White Trash Candy - pretzels, m&m's, marshmallows, and melted white chocolate.

Our last craft ... Patriotic Bracelets.

{Pictured above is the youngest camper this year, at 4 1/2 years old, she kept up with the big girls. Abby is one talented little crafter!}

We wrapped camp up today with some singing ... courtesy of Ava Mae on her guitar. Then the girls had a fun gab session about their American Girl dolls and craft camp. I asked for everyone to share their favorite craft but, it seemed like it was hard to choose as most of the girls said "everything".

I am always exhausted at the end of Camp Crafty Girls but, it is so rewarding. Love hanging out with these girls for a few days and sharing with them my love of crafting. They are all so creative and so sweet!!

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