
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

It's That Time of Year ...

... time to finish packing away all remnants of last year's schooling and begin reorganizing our shelves with new school books, supplies, and lesson plans.

This year I had a little more planning to do as I was recently asked to take over leadership of our homeschool support group at our church, along with my friend Rena. {So glad to have her along for the ride on this journey!} We have been frantically planning out meetings, speakers, filling out our leadership committee, and planning the retreat in January. Whew ... who knew how much work and thought went into our group. I did not appreciate our previous leader's enough!! Really looking forward to our first meeting in August and getting our school year off to a great start!

Yesterday, I was lucky to have 3 uninterrupted hours of planning time for our school year ... my daughter was back at her summer dance intensive studio for a 3 hour ballet class. So while my other two children took advantage of an indoor play area at McDonald's and with my iPad, laptop, and teacher's planning book - I worked on planning out the first half of our school year. Our first official day back is August 27th! Two days after we return from a week long beach vacation. Hopefully, I will have everything in place to make it a smooth transition back. Hard to believe but, even with the late start back we will be just a few days shy of 1/2 our year done before Christmas. {Love homeschooling calendars!} Lots to do in the coming weeks but, two of my children are in an all day camp next week and Lexi will dance for a few days - so more quiet time.

Have you started the planning process yet or are you still enjoying the lazy days of summer?

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