
Monday, August 6, 2012

22 Years and Counting ...

This weekend my husband and I celebrated our 22nd wedding anniversary!  While we would love to plan a big trip, with no family to help out with kids it is just not in the cards, so we make the best of what we can do.  Thanks to a babysitter and great friends we were able to getaway for over 24 hours. :)

Daune planned everything and did a wonderful job. He arranged for us to stay overnight at the Ritz-Carlton in Buckhead {on the club floor}. From the moment we arrived we were treated like royalty - it was if everyone had been told ahead of time it was our anniversary. Shortly after arriving at our room a bottle of champagne and chocolate covered strawberries arrived at our door with a card from the hotel manager wishing us a "Happy Anniversary".

We enjoyed some appetizers in the club lounge before heading out to a wonderful dinner at a very popular local steakhouse. The hotel arranged a chauffeur to take us and pick us up - another sweet touch.

After a wonderfully relaxing evening - where we watched the sunset over the city from our 19th floor room - daybreak the next morning greeted us with breakfast in bed.{We did choose to skip the $575 breakfast which included a bottle of Dom and caviar.}

Check-out at the Ritz is not until Noon which makes for a very nice morning! Then it was time to head out to the High Museum. In the last few years our only trips to the High have been with kids - how wonderful it was to wander around the museum without having to constantly answer questions or remind my children not to touch anything.

Of course, with just 24 hours away you seem to blink and the time is up. It was so great to see the kids ... they were enjoying a round of Olympics at our friends' pool when we arrived. It is amazing to me how refreshed you feel with just that short time away with your spouse. I so look forward to our anniversary every year! Thank you to my wonderful husband who blesses me everyday in so many ways ... it has been a beautiful 22 years.

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