
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

"Not" Back to School Blog Hop 2012 : Curriculum Week

This has been the fastest summer ever for our family ... where does the time go? I am joining in this week in the annual Not Back to School Blog Hop - hosted by the iHomeschool Network. Join in on the fun by heading over there and linking back to your own blog or just reading through all the posts so far. I always enjoy reading what others are doing!

Not Back to School Blog Hop

Thankfully, I had a plan in place for the 2012 - 2013 school year in May, so no need to stress about that over the fun summer months.

Here is our plan for the year ....

Bible ~ Apologia's "Who Am I and What am I Doing Here" from the What We Believe Series
History/Science ~ My Father's World - Countries and Cultures - we are trying something new this year and doing this study with another family. We will divide up the teaching between the two of us.  We will take one day a week to complete everything scheduled for that particular week in the lesson plan. I am sure there will be a learning curve as we figure out the best way to fit everything in but, I am really looking forward to this opportunity.

Devin {5th grade}
Math ~ Abeka
Language and Spelling ~ Abeka
Reading ~ Abeka
Handwriting ~ Handwriting Without Tears, Cursive Review
Weekly Journaling and Nature Study
Enrichment Classes at Timothy ~  Food Network; Movie Making; Group Guitar
Extra-Curricular ~ Fall Baseball; Wednesday Night at Church will include - choir and RA's

Lexi {4th grade}
Math ~ Abeka
Language ~ Abeka
Spelling ~ Wilson
Reading ~ Wilson along with continuing to read through the Little House series. Lexi will also continue with tutoring one day a week for dyslexia though her reading and spelling are coming along amazingly well - recently, someone even commented to me she could not believe Lexi even had dyslexia - what an answer to prayer!
Handwriting ~ Handwriting Without Tears, Cursive
Weekly Journaling and Nature Study
Art ~ ARTistic Pursuits
Enrichment Classes at Timothy ~ Food Network; Moving West - American History; Crafting with American Girls; Sewing 101
Extra-Curricular ~ Ballet; Tap; Jazz {5 hours a week}; Wednesday Night at Church will include - choir and GA's

Ava Mae {2nd grade}
Math ~ Abeka
Language ~ Serl's Primary Language Lessons
Reading/Spelling ~ First Start Reading by Memoria Press
Handwriting ~ Handwriting Without Tears, Print
Weekly Journaling and Nature Study
Art ~ ARTistic Pursuits 
Enrichment Classes at Timothy ~ Georgia Habitats; Moving West - American History; Ooey Gooey Science; Food Network
Extra-Curricular ~ Ballet; Tap; (hopefully we can also get her into Lexi's jazz class); Wednesday Night at Church will include - choir and GA's

We officially begin school on August 27th, after returning from our beach vacation. For now, we are doing some basic review of math and reading in preparation for our new school year.


  1. I have been hearing a lot about Handwriting without Tears. I'm thinking I need to check it out.

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog. What a great year you have planned! It must have been a real blessing to have your planning complete by May.

    Enjoy the rest of your summer!

  3. Looks like a great line up. Wishing you a fantastic shool year.

  4. Sounds very exciting. Happy homeschool year!
