
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Beach Vacation {2012}

As August draws to a close, for the last few years, we have enjoyed an escape to the beach. It is a way for us to say good-bye to summer and kick-off our school year. This year was no different, except that we were able to spend ten days and had some of our best friends along for the fun.

Ava Mae our mermaid. She really wants to live at the beach.
Ava Mae was blessed to have her best friend on vacation with her. These two are just so cute together.

We all found gorgeous shells - I actually made our kids put some back. I mean seriously, how many shells does one child really need to keep.

Ava Mae burying Devin in the sand.

Devin taking an opportunity to fish with his friend, Wesley.

Just one of the six hermit crabs we caught.
Lexi and her friend, Muriel.
Our trip on the Sea Screamer did not disappoint. Once again, we saw tons of dolphins. Loved the show they put on for us. They truly are the golden retrievers of the sea.
Having fun with the crabs they brought on board the Sea Screamer from a crab trap.

Beautiful sunset!
Rainbow on our trip out to the Gulf.

On our one day where it was a complete wash out we enjoyed a field trip to Wonder Works. Kids loved all the exhibits - we spent hours there. Wasn't quite sure what to expect but, it really had some great interactive exhibits - covering everything from science to history.

As always it seemed our vacation was coming to an end too soon. On the last day, my friend Tammy and I just sat on the beach for hours and hours. It was so beautiful! I think the calm before the storm - so lucky we headed out before Tropical Storm/Hurricane Issac made it's way up into the Gulf of Mexico.

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