
Monday, September 3, 2012

Week In Review : First Week {2012}

Our first week behind us, along with a fun 3 day holiday weekend, wanted to write a quick week in review for last week.

Our first day of school went wonderfully! The kids were excited to get started back and I was looking forward to having a routine again. While not always easy to start back to school after ten days at the beach we jumped in with both feet and never looked back.

We are working with a new workload schedule this year ... our basics are completed Monday - Thursday while History and Science will be on Thursday afternoons with another family. Friday's are reserved for Timothy classes and tests.

After the first day it seemed we might be falling into some old ways. I guess the first day excitement wore off real fast for Devin as by day two he was already needing a nap halfway through the schedule. Fifth grade is definitely a time of more work - it's o.k., he will get into a routine soon enough.

Ava Mae enjoyed being introduced to the first poem she will memorize this year.  One of the fun tasks I have her complete when we first read through a new memorization piece is to have her draw a picture that helps her remember what she is memorizing. {Of course when I asked her to work a little harder on the picture she drew she told me for her to do her very best drawing would require a full two days - this is the 30 minute version.}

While were at the beach all of our extra-curricular activities got started ... so we came into things a week late. We didn't miss much - if you ask me the first week of any extra-curricular activity is always crazy. We get to start with activities after some of the hiccups get worked out. Last week it was back to ballet, baseball, Wednesday night choir - RA's - GA's, and Timothy.

This week our history and science co-op begins and Lexi is back to tutoring. Summer is over ... bring on Fall!!

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