
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A Blog Planner Review {Mosaic Reviews}

I am planner ... I love to plan! In my previous life, {as I sometimes like to refer to life before children} I was a wedding planner, go figure.

As a new member of the Mosaic Reviews I had the opportunity of choosing a blog planner to review from a pre-selected list. Though there were quite a few good ones - Beckie from Infarrantly Creative has a blog planner that is not only nice to look at but, perfect for what I need.

Between homeschooling our three children, teaching at our enrichment school, volunteering as the co-leader of our homeschool group, volunteering at church, and now, working on adopting a child from Latvia - I find that I REALLY need help in the planning department for my blog. If I fail to plan - I better just plan to fail at blogging.

Here is a run down on what this planner offers, in Beckie's own words:

"#1 I try to do three projects a week so I have three boxes for post ideas and projects.  I still blog 6 days a week but a few of those I don’t have to plan out (i.e. giveaways, 5 Ways posts, personal posts or guest bloggers).

#2 I have a place to track stats.  I try not to focus on numbers too much, but I will say tracking my stats helps me stay focused and not measure myself against other people.  Each week when I write down my stats it helps me measure myself against myself — which I highly recommend.

#3 Blogger to encourage. I have a huge heart to encourage and rejoice in the success of others.  Since my mantra this year is this is the little spot that helps me be intentional in sending a little note to a blogger each week.

#4 A running to do list.  I try to keep this for proactive blogging things.  One of the things on my to do list in February will be to figure out Google +.  One of my past “to do’s” was the create a FB landing page, which I did.

#5 I also have a place for ideas.  This could be future post ideas, tutorials, dreams, goals, etc."

All the areas that I need to be able to quickly focus on. And the best part, Beckie has made this wonderful planner free to everyone! Just click here to head over to her blog and download your own copy.

A huge thank you to Beckie from Infarrantly Creative for creating such a wonderful blogging tool and then letting us all use it for free! While you are over at Infarrantly Creative take a minute to look around her site - she has some wonderful posts!


  1. Great review! Short and sweet is sometimes the best. I love how you mentioned that you are making a point to encourage other bloggers this year.
