
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

"My Child My Princess" {Ballet Performance}

This is now my very favorite performance by our ballet school - "My Child My Princess". It is an adaptation of the book by Beth Moore. Ms. Lisa, our ballet school director, has done a wonderful job adapting it for the stage. The music, choreography, lighting, and stage setting were beautiful!

Ava Mae was in four dances/scenes ... her favorite being the tambourine dance. She worked really hard on that dance with the Invitational I class.

Ava Mae with the beautiful girl, Emily who played the princess.

Lexi was in three dances playing the part of both a village girl and a rich girl.

My very favorite dance of Lexi's was this one, "Give me Jesus".

Devin with his sisters.

Lexi and Ava Mae before the performance.

Lexi with two of her friends, Ellie and Gracie.

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