
Saturday, March 2, 2013

How God Can Change a Heart ... {the beginning of our adoption journey}

The question I have been asked and repeated the answer to so many times over the last two weeks ... how and why. I will apologize in advance for having to be so cryptic in my response here ... we are governed under the laws of a court with very specific rules. So read between the lines or leave me a comment and I will respond to you privately with any questions ...

Here is our story ... we are moving forward to provide a sweet L@tvi@n girl with a forever home. How did I get here ... I can say only "to God be the glory". He has worked in my heart so much since we had to send "Hope" {as she will be called from this point forward on my blog} back in January. Fears, worries, and selfishness on my part have been wiped away - not to say completely. There are definitely days I think "this is crazy" but, it is crazy in a good way. All I can say is God has called us and we are going ...

We have a hard road before us ... one with lots of paperwork, hurdles to jump, huge financial commitments, and a long journey and stay in a foreign country - not once but, 3 times. So many have asked, "are you worried?", of course there is worry but, there is also trust in my God. The one who can move mountains will be with us in the coming days.

We are so blessed with the most amazing friends and church family who are already rallying around us. Hope touched so many lives and I "hope" one day she realizes how God used her in the lives of so many to open eyes to the plight of orphans not just here but, all over the world.

So, for those who have asked what we need, right now - lots of prayer! Pray that this stage of the home study process can go quickly. We have our last home study visit next Wednesday. Paperwork is almost all done - just waiting on some things to arrive that I had to order. We also have quite a few doctors' appointments for my husband, myself and all the kids. Pray for funding ... we need to fundraise a large chunk of money. Our goal is $20,000 before we travel on our first trip to L@tiv@. That is a little over half of what our total cost will be.

We are working on some fundraising ideas but, if you feel lead, our adoption agency does accept tax deductible donations on our behalf or join in on our "5 to Change a Life" - every little bit helps, would you consider donating just $5 to our adoption? It is so easy - just click the donation button below - you do not have to create an account to donate.


  1. Praying!!

    I was following your hosting adventures all along and was curious how you guys were doing 'beyond' normal life once she went back. Am I reading between the lines correctly that you're adopting 'Hope'??? Regardless, whether it's her or another little girl, what a blessing! And what an adventure you're embarking on!

    I'm so excited to see what God does and how He continues to use your family to be a blessing - but also how He blesses your family for following Him where/how He leads!

    Standing with you guys in prayer and faith and in the confidence that He'll be sufficient for what you need for every aspect of this journey, in just the right moment, each step of the way!

  2. I'm so excited for you and your family.
    I'll be praying for all of you. Do you have any contact with her right now? What were her thoughts when you told her the news?

  3. I prayed for "Hope" when I saw her picture on the hosting website. And then I got your announcement and I almost fell over backward. So very excited and happy for all of you. Will continue praying and donating towards your goal. God bless!!!
