
Friday, March 8, 2013

RA/GA Derby {2013}

Last weekend was the annual RA/GA Derby race. Ava Mae was so happy to finally get to participate - last year would have been her first year but, we were in Disney. {It was a hard decision - derby race or Disney. NOT!}

The kids chose these themes for their cars - Ava Mae - candy; Lexi - flower power; and Devin - Latvia. {Just love Devin's sweet heart for orphan care.}

While our race time's were not the greatest - Ava Mae did walk away with 2nd place overall in the GA Design category. Our first derby trophy ever - Woo Hoo! Ava Mae's best friend, Maddie Bell, took Honorable Mention in the Design category - with her "Dog Ate My Car" design - what is hilarious or not so hilarious to Maddie Bell - her dog really did chew up her car.

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