
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Created for Care {the most amazing adoption conference}

This past weekend I had the amazing opportunity to attend an adoption conference - Created for Care. The retreat was begun by this amazing woman - Andrea who blogs over at - Babe of my Heart. You have to just head over to her blog and read just a few entries to see what a servant of God she is. The theme chosen for this year's retreat was LOVE BIG - based on 1 Corinthians 13:13 “So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” Step out in faith. Wait with hope. And LOVE BIG. Just love the t-shirt I got with that motto.

I learned so much from the wisdom of other adoptive moms during several open sessions and breakout sessions I attended. But, one of the highlights of the retreat - meeting up with all the Latvian adoptive mamas pictured above. All five of us are adopting children hosted through the New Horizons for Children program. We were surrounded by the other 445 adoptive moms at the conference. It was so beautiful to worship with all of them several times during the course of the weekend.

There was also some time to just sit and worship with God - peacefully from the balcony of our hotel room. Picture above was my view - so serene and quiet. Time for reflection and to just be still. So thankful, my dear friend Robyn joined me on this trip!

Pictured above our three sweet kids with their new adoption t-shirts ... the girls' t-shirts say "I Have Hope" and Devin's says "Change the World for One".

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