
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Last of my "To - Do" List Done

Last week we were able to finish our last major items on our "To - Do" List for our adoption ... it included ~

Mailing our dossier off to L@tvi@ for translation. {Mailing packages to a foreign country is hard ... mailing a package to a town in a foreign country that DHL insists does not exist even harder!}

Having our Biometrics done by Immigration for our I-800a approval.

Devin, Lexi, and Ava Mae getting their passport applications done and expedited ... they should be back this week.

So, I know the million dollar question ... "what's next?". We await our I-800a approval {Application for Determination of Suitability to Adopt a Child from a Convention Country} - which should come in around the time our dossier is done being translated {if things continue to move at the speed they are now}. Those two docs will then meet up and head to the orphan court in L@tvi@ where a formal referral will be made for "Hope". Next, we say yes to the referral - that goes back to the L@tvi@n court and we await a travel date for our first court appearance and 3 week stay in-country. So, a lot of waiting in the coming weeks ... with it being the end of the school year our calendar is packed so we have lots to keep us busy. My goal is also to get Hope's room done and do some summer clothes shopping for her. {She will more than likely come to us with just the clothes on her back so we will need to bring clothing with us for her.}

Thank you for everyone who continues to pray for us! We feel those prayers. Right now our major prayer requests would be - 

1. That we would hear an answer back on a grant we applied for through Lifesong for Orphans.

2. For the next steps in this process to go smoothly.

3. For our upcoming fundraiser {see details below}. 

4. And, as always, prayers for our sweet L@tvi@n girl as she patiently awaits us coming to get her.

Our next big fundraiser is quickly approaching - a Yard Sale ... we have received lots of wonderful donations already. We have such generous friends who have donated jewelry, kids items, brand new home decor, and furniture. We are praying for good weather on April 27th!

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