
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Ultimate Homeschool Planner {A Mosaic Review}

It is that time of year again ... time to revaluate and plan for the new school year. Now, I know what some of you might be thinking - "it's only April - this school year hasn't even ended yet". I used to think that too but, I will say there is freedom in planning your next school year before this one ends. It truly allows for a restful summer and it also gives me an opportunity to shop at the upcoming homeschool convention and used book sales.

I was completely doing the happy dance when I was chosen to review - The Ultimate Homeschool Planner by Debra Bell {$28.00 retail}.What perfect timing!! Though I have a nice homeschool planner I am using this year - I am not real happy with it. And, some of the reasons I have not been happy with it are things The Ultimate Homeschool Planner has done right!

Fist and foremost, this planner allows you to fill in the months and weeks. Now I know this may sound silly but, I don't like flipping through my planner and seeing months with nothing written on them - it just seems such a waste. I like that with this The Ultimate Homeschool Planner I can start our school year in September - and that is the beginning.

I loved that the planner gave a tutorial at the beginning to show how to get the most out of using it. While many of us are seasoned homeschoolers - it is always nice to review and for those that are new to this journey - what a great stepping stone this provides.

As I plan for next year, I like that this planner has goal setting sheets and a way for me to begin planning our year by filling in major events/holidays that I already know will be on the calendar.

I thought the customizable yearly, month, weekly and daily planning forms allow for the most information to be stored all in one place. And, the flow to each of these planning forms make sense.

The weekly planning forms allow you to decide if you want the subjects written across the top or down the side. Also, you can track up to six children - without feeling like you have to double up on subjects and write really really small to make it fit. Also, love that I can track reading lists and have a place for year-end review.

In planning for next year, I know I would like my son who is going into middle school to have more independence and take more responsibility for his daily assignment sheets. It was great to see how The Ultimate Daily Planner for Students, also by Debra Bell {$19.00 retail}, worked alongside my planner.

This planner could not be any simpler ... it allows for the student to once a week copy the list of subjects for the week from the main planner. It also easily allows the student to track their progress and see what still needs to be completed or needs revision. And, though I don't know how much my son will get into filling out the fun questions in the "About You" section of the planner - that is something my daughter would really enjoy. The student planner also has places to record other activities and has lots of study tools, trivia, and helpful tips. After reviewing this product, I will be purchasing one for my daughter also, who will be in 5th grade.

Both planners have great coated covers - which we put to the test when my daughter dripped chocolate ice cream on the outside of my planner. It easily wiped right off. I am so glad to get the opportunity to review this planner and cannot wait to begin our new school year with it!


  1. Nice job on the review. I totally agree with you about it being nice not having to write "really really small" to make everything fit. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  2. I like the covers as well. I was not afraid to have my water sitting next to it while I planned.
