
Friday, April 5, 2013

Ultimate Blog Party {2013} and A GIVEAWAY!

Hello fellow UBP 2013 party goers ... welcome to Joy in the Everyday!  My name is Alicia and I began blogging in August of 2008 as a way to keep track of our homeschool journey. I figured if I didn't remember to write it down in my teacher planner at least I would always have the blogasphere to refer back to. 

My blog evolved to sharing my love of paper crafting, cooking - baking, homeschooling, my faith, and I always enjoy sharing ways I find joy in the everyday.

Our family lives in the northern suburbs of Atlanta - my husband and I have been married for almost 23 years and we have three biological children - ages 11, 10, and 8 - who we've homeschooled from the beginning.

We are now in the process of adopting a sweet girl who we hosted in our home for four weeks over Christmas {that is her and I pictured above}, from an Eastern European country. Here are a few posts on that subject ...

We are overjoyed to be adding this child to our family and are hoping to travel in June to get her! So now, our blog has grown once again - this time following us on our adoption journey.

When I am not posting about homeschooling, family life, or adoption - I love to post fun recipes and craft projects {I have to put my Pinterest addiction to use somewhere}. Here are two of my recent baking/crafty posts.


As I mentioned above - I absolutely love paper crafting!! So, for one lucky party goer I am giving away a complete stamping set {pictured above} from Stampin Up! It includes a stamp set, ink, and a card making kit. To enter ... just leave me a comment below!

Ultimate Blog Party 2013

Thanks for stopping by and I look forward to visiting you during the Ultimate Blog Party 2013!!


  1. So wonderful to hear your adoption of a new family member. Hope everything goes smoothly until June, what a heartwarming story. I'm visiting from UBP13. Here's my party post, hope you'll stop by too.

  2. Hi Alicia, stopping in from the UBP!

    I love your blog, your crafts and homeschool stuff!

    I am so out of the crafty loop because I haven't even *seen* that epiphany punch! That is so cool! Your pendant necklace is officially on my to do list! I'm a disney nut too, so looks like we have lots in common!

    I'm subscribing so I don't forget to come back and read more about your adoption.

    So nice to "meet" you!

    ♥ Melissa~
    Pink Paper Peppermints

    PS I brought you a little hostess gift!

  3. Hi there! Dropping by from the UBP. Sounds like we have a lot in common with homeschooling, cooking, etc. Congratulations on your adoption!


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi :) Stopping by from the UBP
    I Love your blog and the story of adoption melts my heart because of things in my own personal life.

    I am definitely subscribing and adding you to my feedly so i can see through your adoption :)

    Come see me

  6. Stopping by from the UBP. Hope the adoption runs smoothly! Hope you have a great weekend!

  7. What a delightful visit for the Ultimate Blog Party 2013. I could totally relate to your reasons for blogging. The other day, I couldn't remember how to do something. I just went and looked up an article I'd posted about it and voila, I was able to merrily go about doing my needed task. :) Have a lovely week!

  8. Love your blog!!! Stopping by from Ultimate Blog Party! I'm your newest follower! I would love if you stop by and say Hi!


  9. We are also a homeschooling family who have been blessed to grow through adoption. I look forward to following your journey to bringing your newest daughter home.

  10. It's so wonderful to hear that you are adding to your family. I hope it all well your whole family must be so excited.

  11. Happy UBP! Always nice to connect with another homeschool family. It seems like we have several of the same interests. I also love to craft! Stop on over to my blog soon!
    Here's my UBP post:

  12. Hi,

    I Love your blog and the story of adoption melts my heart because of things in my own personal life.
    Princess Party Supplies
