
Saturday, June 15, 2013

On Pointe

Yesterday was a big day for Lexi - her first official pointe shoe fitting. She is so excited that she begins pointe class next week. For Lexi, she thought this day would never come - it has been a long year of being in a pointe class but, not being allowed to be on pointe because, she was too young. {Pictured above with her very good friend and "dance twin" - Ashlyn. These girls have danced together since 2 years old.}

Of course, it wouldn't be a ballet outing without younger sisters in tow ... Ava Mae and Ashlyn's sister, Anna, who is Ava Mae's "dance twin", enjoyed hanging out with the ballet school director.

It only took 8 or 9 pairs before the perfect pair were found ... of course, they had to be the most expensive. At least they are great quality and will hopefully, last the year.

And while the older sisters were getting fitted .... the younger sisters tried to convince Miss Lisa that they should be allowed to wear these types of outfits to ballet class. They didn't win that argument.

Can't believe this day is already here ... why do kids have to grow up so fast? It seems like just yesterday Lexi was skipping in to the 2 year old ballet class, hair in a tiny bun and pink tutu on. Hard to believe in another two years we will be in this very spot with Ava Mae.

Happy girls with new pointe shoes!

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