
Friday, June 21, 2013

The Countdown Begins ...

This week has gone by in a blur ... we celebrated Father's Day on Sunday! Such a great weekend with my husband and kids. On Monday afternoon we received our travel dates - that's right friends, in less than 1 month we will be in L@tvi@ with our girl! Just 21 days until wheels up and we begin the first leg of our journey!

So this week amongst, numerous phone calls to travel agents - pricing and repricing plane tickets and trying to find a month long apartment rental, our life went on. Lexi got her braces {she was ready after wearing her appliance for over a month}.

The kids also were at VBS ... love our church and the great programs they put on. Kingdom Rocks, really did rock, and our kids came home every day with lots of wonderful stories to tell!

We are off to Asheville, North Carolina for a family reunion this weekend. When I return it will be time to begin work on the million and one things I need to get done before we leave - not just planning and packing for our trip but, preparing for our school year, which will be upon us by the time we return from our month in Eastern Europe.

And, stay tuned ... next week we will be the featured family on Give 1 Save 1 Europe!

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