
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Exploring Riga : Natural History Museum of Latvia

Today's outing was to the Natural History Museum in L@tvi@ ... this museum is the oldest complex of natural history in the Baltics and holds the largest collection of nature items in L@tvi@.

Five floors of great exhibits on zoology, botany, entomology, paleontology and geology, the sea and anthropology. Some of our favorites - the ocean exhibit, the skeletons, the amazing specimens of animals - all so well preserved.

One of the hardest things to get used to in L@tvi@ - is the non-existence of elevators or indoor ventilation ... so once you got past climbing six flights of stairs in the beginning and little air circulation the exhibits were really fun to walk through {some even had English explanations}. It slows your tour down a little when you must stop and use google translate on exhibits.

It was well worth the 4 Lats {around $8} we paid! After the museum it was off to the local park - the girls jumped on trampolines and Devin and Daune played catch. Then we were able to meet up with Hope's brother and head to a local cafe for lunch. I could sit for hours and people watch here ... the fashion, the vehicles going by, all so different than what we are used to.

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