
Friday, July 26, 2013

We're Almost Half Way There ...

Tomorrow we will be half-way through our stay here in L@tvi@ ... we fly out early on the morning of August 10th. That day cannot come soon enough. Don't get me wrong - L@tvi@ is beautiful, I could take photographs all day long of the architecture and people here but, the truth of the matter is ... I miss home.

It is also hard for Hope to remain here ... to truly begin our life as a family we need to be back in America. The one benefit we have had of staying here in Riga is getting to know some of Hope's family - especially her brother who is very sweet and super helpful - he even knows English!

Our first social worker visit was fantastic! The courts here really want what is best for the children - our social worker was wonderful in helping communicate important things to Hope. We worked through several issues and it was a really pleasant visit. For those going after us, I would strongly encourage you to be honest with any struggles with your OC social worker - they really do seem to want to help make the situation work between the child and family.

To pass the time, we do a lot of walking - to parks, Old Town, stores, and restaurants. Today we will head out and see the Tall Ship Races Festival - it only comes to Latvia once every 10 years so we feel lucky to get to see this event.

If it warms up {it has been unseasonably cool} we are going to head out to the beaches. Even if we don't swim the sea side village seems really quaint.

There are also tons of museums so we will try to visit a few of those in the coming 14 days. Of course, a trip to the zoo is also in the mix.

This trip has really made us appreciate America and how easy our life is there. We really do take for-granted the ease in which we grocery shop, do laundry, have our own cars for transportation, worship in a contemporary church, and the list goes on.

Please pray for our remaining 2 weeks here in country ...

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