
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Adoption : One Month Home

So hard to believe that a month has already quickly passed by since we landed back on American soil. Our first two weeks were a roller coaster but, we have now settled into a more typical everyday routine here. Or, as some may call it "a new normal".

Hope is enjoying making new friends and having new experiences. She is singing in the choir, attending youth group, taking ballet class and art once a week, and getting opportunities to spend time with friends - doing things that teen girls enjoy in their spare time.

This past weekend Hope was able to meet her grandparents and a few of my siblings for the first time. Our family all met up at the "half-way" point between Asheville and Atlanta at Black Rock Mountain for an afternoon picnic.

Our required social worker visit was a few days ago and we sailed through. Our adoption agency rep was blown away by Hope's outgoing personality and  all the skills she has - such as knitting, painting, braiding hair, and photography. Our next step ... we await 2nd trip dates for our final - formal court hearing.

Keep praying as we all adjust to our "new normal"!

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