
Friday, September 13, 2013

Weekly Rewind {September 13, 2013 ~ Finding Our Groove}

Three weeks into school and I think we are finally finding our groove ... albeit for me an exhausting groove. You wouldn't think adding just one extra person to our homeschool mix would make things so crazy. It does not help that we also added a new hybrid school program this year that is new to all of us.

I felt like this week I could sit down and actually fill out a reasonable lesson plan - which did not include having my middle school student staying up until 10pm at night to complete a paper for school. Hoping the coming weeks will see us all settling into this new routine and getting comfortable. {Probably, just in time for us to have fall break.}
This week, Hope and Devin began their Middle School/High School Physical Education class with our favorite Coach/Teacher ~ Coach JJ! Hope absolutely loved it ... especially the "Capture the Flag" game they played at the end. I am always amazed by that child's athleticism and quick reflexes.

Our Classical Conversations classes have been going great ... Devin, Lexi, and Ava Mae are really enjoying their groups and already learning so much! Hope is enjoying her time working in the childcare nursery. She absolutely loves little children and they have even taught her a few songs like "Three Little Monkeys".

Last week, Devin played in his first Middle School Baseball game for JFCA. He is so excited to be on the team!
Hope is working hard on her English skills and loving her new Rosetta Stone that a very sweet family in our CC community purchased her.

So that is a peek into our week ... if you want to see what others are doing in their homeschools - head on over to HomeGrown Learners Collage Friday.

1 comment:

  1. Alicia. So many HS are using CC this year! Glad it's going we'll! Lesson plans are something I struggle with lol. Enjoy your week!
